Circulation Policy
Welcome to the Atwood Public Library. To be able to check out materials:
An account can be made for those who are 12 years and older but a guardian still must sign the account card as they are responsible for their child’s fines.
Loan Periods
Books – 2 weeks (renewable if there are no holds)
Audios – 1 week (renewable if there are no holds)
Videos – 1 week (renewable if there are no holds)
Magazines – 1 week (renewable if there are no holds)
Most items can be loaned for longer periods of time if needed. Please ask the clerk if this applies to your situation.
Fines will be charged against patrons who do not return borrowed materials on or before the due date.
Fines are as follows:
Books, Magazines and Audio – $.10 per day
Games and DVDs – $.75 per day
When the fine balance reaches $10.00 lending privileges will be suspended until the fines are paid. This does not apply to Wii games used in-house or use of computers, only material that would be checked out of the building.
Damaged and Lost Materials
The borrower must pay the replacement cost of library material the borrower has lost or damaged. These charges must be paid before the patron or household members can borrow library material. For any non-apparent damage, the library will absorb the cost.
Limit of Materials
Patrons are limited to 10 magazines, 5 each of DVDs or audio books at one time. The number of books borrowed at one time is at the discretion of the library director.
Hardware Check-Out
Any hardware that is available for check out may be loaned to patrons who have a reputation for treating materials with care. Hardware replacements are the same for any library materials and all borrowing privileges will be suspended until replacement costs are paid in full.
Loss Of Privileges
The use of the library and its services may be denied for failure to return books or pay penalties, destruction of library property, any type of behavior mentioned in further detail in the Patron Behavior Policy or other objectionable conduct.